Statement from Ian Williams

You will be aware that we are one of the 170 yards in quarantine because of having runners on the same day as horses from an infected stable.

We have a thorough cleaning and disinfection process which is part of our routine and take temperature’s of the horses (raised temperature the first indication of sickness), I have great confidence in this process.

In conjunction with the BHA and our vets all of the horses were swabbed yesterday, and the swabs taken to the Animal Health Trust for analysis.

In a preventive measure, allthough the horses are fully vaccinated, we have given all of them a booster. I anticipate a shortage of these vaccines in the coming weeks.

The BHA have done a fantastic job and in my opinon and taken correct procedures to contain the outbreak.

My concern is the hunters, riding horses and ponies around the country who are not restricted and in many cases in un vaccinated these cause more of a threat to our sport than any of the racehorses in professional stables.

I sincerely hope the situation is contained and doesn’t threaten the sport we love in any more than the short term.

I will keep you up to date with results and any other information that may not be in the public domain.
